PIAP FENIX® is a light, backpack-deployed reconnaissance robot. It has been created to conduct reconnaissance in the immediate vicinity of military operations, including places inaccessible to humans.
Excellent field properties of PIAP FENIX® robot (track-wheels chassis with moveable front flippers) ensure easy movement on hardened road surface, dirt roads, pathless tracts and in urban areas.

PIAP FENIX Leaflet 1,2 MB

Technical data

( all weights and dimensions are approximate and details are subject to change without notification )

Mobile base rigid and lightweight carbon composite construction
Dimensions of the robot without antennas and front flippers 60x50x19 cm (LxWxH)
Weight of the robot without manipulator 15 kg
Weight of the robot with manipulator 20 kg
Range in open field 800 m
Operational work time (depending on the type of mission, possibility of quick battery replacement) around 6 h
Maximum speed 10 km/h
Battery with an option of replacement without tools 2 pcs.
Chassis track-wheels, with movable front flippers
Maximum horizontal range of the manipulator (from the end of the mobile base) 100 cm
Maximum lift capacity of the manipulator 5 kg
Clamp opening range 16 cm
Number of controlled degrees of freedom 3 + clamp of gripper
Number of degrees of freedom operated manually 1


Mounted on Picatinny rails or on mounting holes of the mobile base or manipulator.

Manipulator FENIX

  • Advanced manipulator with 5 degrees of freedom
Kamera PTZ z noktowizją
  • Camera heads equipped with night vision and thermal imaging
Mikrofon kierunkowy
  • Directional characteristic microphone
Uchwyt do czujnika
  • compatible with MO-2M sensor

Plecak FENIX

  • Makes easier carrying the robot with accessories
Akcesoria CBRN
  • Environmental swab
  • Ground sampler
  • Forensic samplers set
  • SPME adsorber
  • R – Sensor (integrated EKO-C)

A Multi Striker

  • Knocking windows, knocking holes in surfaces and lock fittings or other small parts(the principle of „pile driver”)
  • Piercing objects, e.g. tires
  • Breaking hinges
  • Cutting metal rods, cables, wires, chains, tubes
  • Cutting off elements
  • Initiating non-electric detonators such as STS, NDS, NONELBasic operating tips:
    • Cutter for cable, wire and rod;
    • Punches for windows and other components;
    • Triggers to initiate explosion with non-electric detonation systems
    • Cutters (knives and blades)
    • Possibility of designing tips for specific needs of the user
  • Urządzenie diagnostycznefor detection of errors and faults in the robot
  • for changing settings and configuration of the robot
  • accessories and SVGA connector

We declare willingness to modify the robot and optional equipment according to the user’s needs.


